- A collaboration of Prof. Oshikawa and Prof. Hirosi Ooguri (Caltech/IPMU) is featured in Todai Research Editor's Choice : "Theory of undiscovered elementary particle applied to topological insulator" A related dialogue is also published in the July 2012 issue of "KAGAKU" magazine (in Japanese) (July 2012)
- Dr. Shunsuke Furuya moved to Giamarchi Group at University of Geneva. (June 2012)
- Yohei Fuji from Chiba University joined the group as a Ph. D. student. Emika Takata from Kyusyu University and Soichiro Mouri from Kyoto University joined the group as M. Sc. students. (April 2012)
- Dr. Hirohiko Shimada moved to ENS Paris and Dr. Shintaro Takayoshi moved to Aoki Group at the University of Tokyo. (April 2012)
- Dr. Shunsuke Furuya and Dr. Shintaro Takayoshi finished the graduate study. (March 2012)
- Drs. Masahiro Sato and Jun Sato, alumni of our group, won the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan (Division 11 and 3, respectively). Congratulations! (March 2012)
- Dr. Thomas Eggel finished his Ph. D. study. (September 2011)
- Hidetaka Nishihara joined the group as a M. Sc. student. (April 2011)
- Dr. Hirohiko Shimada joined the group as a Post-Doctoral Fellow (April 2011)
- Dr. Yasuhiro Tada joined the group as a research associate. (April 2011)
- Dr. Wei-Feng Tsai left the group to take an assistant professor position at Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan). Congratulations and good luck for future research! (February 2011)
- Nie Wenxing joined the group as a Ph. D. student. (September 2010)
- Dr. Wei-Feng Tsai joined our group as a Post-Doctoral Fellow (with "Emergence of Heavy Electrons and Their Orders" project). (September 2010)
- Dr. Miguel A. Cazalilla returned to Spain after finishing his term as a Visiting Professor. We will keep collaborations nonetheless! (July 2010)
- Dr. Jun Ohkubo left the group to take a lecturer position at Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University. Congratulations and good luck for future research! (May 2010)
- Dr. Miguel A. Cazalilla (CSIC-UPV/EHU, Spain) joned the group as a Visiting Professor (April 2010)
- Yuta Kumano joined the group as a M. Sc. student. (April 2010)
- Ms. Atsuko Tsuji left the group after 5 years of service as a secretary for theory group. Thank you. (March 2010)
- Toshio Kainuma left the group after obtaining M. Sc. degree. (March 2010)
- IPMU Focus Week co-sponsored by ISSP "Condensed Matter Physics Meets High Energy Physics" was held in success. (February 2010)
- Shintaro Takayoshi joined the group as a Ph. D. student (April 2009)
- Thomas Eggel from Switzerland joined the group as a Ph. D. student. (October 2008)
- Ms. Naomi Habu left the secretary position. Thanks for her dedication to the theory group for 3.5 years (September 2008)
- Dr. Chyh-Hong Chern left the group to take a faculty position at National Taiwan University. Congratulations!(August 2008)
- The month-long workshop/symposium "Topological Aspects of Solid State Physics" is over. Thanks for participation. (June 2008)
- Dr. Masahiro Shiroishi left the group to take a new career direction at Otani Steel. Good luck! (May 2008)
- Dr. Akiyuki Tokuno, Tomoya Ono, and Lila Hirasawa finished the graduate study. (March 2008)
- The paper "Transition Phenomena Induced by Internal Noise and Quasi-Absorbing State" by
Dr. Jun Ohkubo was selected as a Paper of Editors' Choice in JPSJ.
- Prof. Masaki Oshikawa was awarded the Japan Society for Promotion of Science Prize. (March 2008)
- In a rare(?) turn of events, our paper "Universal temperature dependence of the magnetization in gapped spin chains" was transferred from Phys. Rev. B to Phys. Rev. Lett. and accepted for publication. (June 2007)
- Dr. Jun Ohkubo and Dr. Masahiro Shiroishi joined the group as research associates. (April 2007)
- Dr. Jun Sato joined the group as an assistant. (April 2007)
- Shunsuke Furuya joined the group as a M.Sc. student. (April 2007)
- Shunsuke Furukawa left the group after finishing Ph.D. course (March 2007)
- Yohey Ishikawa and Yohei Mitamura left the group after finishing M.Sc. course (March 2007)
- Dr. Chyh-Hong Chern has joined the group as a Post-Doctoral Fellow.
- Ph. D. student Shunsuke Furukawa returned after a year of study at France under the "College Doctoral Franco-Japonais" program.
- A "News and Views" article, M. Oshikawa, Bose?Einstein condensates: Fluctuating fringes, is published in the October 2006 issue of Nature Physics.
- Prof. Oshikawa presented "Element of magnets and Bose-Einstein condensation" (in Japanese) at Special Public Lectures on 2006 Open Campus Event of Kashiwa Campus, University of Tokyo. We thank the audience for the attendance.