Welcome to Oshikawa group
We study condensed matter theory and statistical physics.
- Atsushi Ueda started his post-doctoral position at Ghent University, Belgium. Kansei Inamura is appointed to a post-doctoral position in our group for 6 months, until he starts a Leverhulme-Peierls Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Oxford University (Apr 2024)
- Kansei Inamura and Atsushi Ueda defended their Ph. D. thesis successfully. Both of them are awareded School of Science Encouragement Award! (March 2024)
- Han Yan joined our group as the Research Associate (Oct 2023)
- Linhao Li defended his Ph.D. thesis successfully, and left the group.
He is taking a post-doctoral position at Ghent University, Belgium (Sep 2023)
- Yunqin Zheng has moved to a new post-doctoral position at Stony Brook University, after 3 fruitful years at Kavli IPMU and ISSP. (Aug 2023)
- Talks page is added to this website (May 2023)
- Research page of this website is slightly updated (April 2023)
- Haruki Shimizu (a graduate of University of Tokyo) and Takumi Fukushima (a graduate of Okayama University) joined as M. Sc. course students. (April 2023)
- Yuichiro Hidaka defended his Ph.D. thesis successfully, and left the group (March 2023)
- Yifan Liu, a graduate of Nankai University in China, joined as a M. Sc. course student (October 2022)
- Chenhua Geng defended his Ph.D. thesis successfully, and left the group. (June 2022)
- The opening of the Research Associate position was closed. (June 2022) The new Research Associate will arrive in October 2023.
- Prof. Masaki Oshikawa received an Award for Science and Technology (Research Category), the
Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
(April 2022)
- Naoki Yamada defended his Master's degree successfully, and left the group. (March 2022)
- Myles Scollon, a graduate of Simon Fraser University in Canada, joined as a M. Sc. course student. (October 2021)
Ryohei Kobayashi finished Ph.D. early, and moved to University of Maryland as a post-doctoral fellow. (September 2021)
- Dr. Yasuhiro Tada, who had been the Research Associate in our group, moved to Hiroshima University as an Associate Professor. (April 2021)
- Dr. Yuan Yao moved to RIKEN as a Special Post-Doctoral Researcher (April 2021)
- Dr. Yasuhiro Tada (Research Associate) received Young Scientist Award of Japanese Physical Society (Division 6) for "Theoretical investigation on the edge current and orbital angular momentum in chiral superfluids” (March 2021)
- Dr. Chang-Tse Hsieh (joint postdoc with Kavli IPMU until September 2020, currently at RIKEN) received Young Scientist Award of Japanese Physical Society (Theoretical Elementary Physics Division) for "Anomaly of the Electromagnetic Duality of Maxwell Theory"
- Dr. Sayak Dasgupta is appointed as a joint postdoc between University of British Columbia and our group (December 2020)
- Dr. Yunqin Zheng joined the group as a Post-Doctoral Fellow (concurrent with Kavli IPMU). (November 2020)
- Dr. Yuan Yao finished the graduate study. (September 2020)
- Naoki Yamada joined the group as a M. Sc. student. (April 2020)
- Dr. Masahiko Yamada finished the graduate study. (March 2020)
- Prof. Masaki Oshikawa was named a new American Physical Society Fellow. (September 2019)
- Dr. Yoshiki Fukusumi finished the graduate study. (September 2019)
- Atsushi Ueda and Kansei Inamura joined the group as M. Sc. students. (April 2019)
- Jyong Hao Chen stays in the group as a JSPS Fellow. (March - September 2019)
- Dr. Hiroyuki Fujita finished the graduate study. (March 2019)
- "Topological Phases and Functionality of Correlated Electron Systems 2019" is over. Thanks for participation. (February 2019)
- Li Linhao joined the group as a M. Sc. student. (September 2018)
- "Novel Phenomena in Quantum Materials driven by Multipoles and Topology" is over. Thanks for participation. (April 2018)
- Seishiro Ono and Yuichiro Hidaka joined the group as M. Sc. students. (April 2018)
- Dr. Yuya Nakagawa finished the graduate study. (March 2018)
- Prof. Ying Ran (Boston College) joned the group as a Visiting Professor. (January 2018)
- Dr. Chang-Tse Hsieh joined the group as a Post-Doctoral Fellow (concurrent with Kavli IPMU). (September 2017)
- Prof. Kedar Damle (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) joned the group as a Visiting Professor. (April 2017)
- Li Linhao stays in the group for three months. (April-July 2017)
- Ryohei Kobayashi joined the group as a M. Sc. student. (April 2017)
- Soichiro Mohri and Dr. Emika Takata finished the graduate study. (March 2017)
- "International Workshop on Theory of Correlated Topological Materials" is over. Thanks for participation. (March 2017)
- Andrejs Kudlis stayed in the group as a STEPS program student. (Jan.-Mar. 2017)
- Geng Chenhua joined the group as a M. Sc. student. (September 2016)
- "International Workshop on Tensor Networks and Quantum Many-Body Problems" is over. Thanks for participation. (July 2016)
- Mr. Hiroyuki Fujita recieved Research Award of Faculty of Science. (April 2016)
- We are organizing an international workshop "Topological Phenomena in Novel Quantum Matter: Laboratory Realization of Relativistic Fermions and Spin Liquids" at Max Planck Institute in February 2016.
- Prof. Shin Nakamura (Chuo University) joined the group as a Visiting Professor. (October 2016)
- Yuan Yao joined the group as a M. Sc. student. (October 2015)
- Prof. Kirill Shtengel (University of California, Riverside) joned the group as a Visiting Professor. (September 2015)
- "International Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics & AdS/CFT" is over. Thanks for participation. (May 2015)
- Dr. Sho Sugiura and Mr. Masahiko Yamada recieved Research Award of Faculty of Science and Incentive Award of the Faculty of Science, respectively. (April 2015)
- Masahiko Yamada joined the group as a M. Sc. student. (April 2015)
- Dr. Sho Sugiura joined the group as a Post-Doctoral Fellow (April 2015)
- Dr. Yuta Kumano and Dr. Yohei Fuji finished the graduate study. (March 2015)
- International Workshop "Topological aspects in correlated electron systems" is over. Thanks for participation. (March 2015)
- Dr. James Quach joined the group as a Post-Doctoral Fellow. (April 2014)
- Mr. Hiroyuki Fujita recieved Incentive Award of the Faculty of Science. (April 2014)
- ISSP Workshop "Novel quantum phenomena in Supermatter " is over. Thanks for participation. (April 2014)
- Yoshiki Fukusumi and Hiroyuki Fujita joined the group as M. Sc. students. (April 2014)
- Dr. Wenxing Nie finished her Ph. D. study. (March 2013)
- Dr. Miklós Lajkó joined the group as a Post-Doctoral Fellow. (November 2013)
- We are organizing an international workshop/symposium "Emergent Quantum Phases in Condensed Matter" at ISSP in June 2013.
- Prof. Karlo Penc (Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Hungary) joned the group as a Visiting Professor. (April 2013)
- Yuya Nakagawa joined the group as a M. Sc. student. (April 2013)
- Hidetaka Nishihara graduated with M. Sc. degree. (March 2013)
- Dr. Shunsuke Furukawa, an alumnus of our group, won the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan (Division 11). Congratulations! (March 2013)
- Old news (until 2012) is moved here.
Scientific meetings we have organized
Feb.18 - Feb. 20, 2019 |
Topological Phases and Functionality of Correlated Electron Systems 2019 |
Apr. 9 - Apr. 10, 2018 |
Novel Phenomena in Quantum Materials driven by Multipoles and Topology |
Feb. 6 - Mar. 3, 2017 |
"International Workshop on Theory of Correlated Topological Materials" |
June 27 - July 15, 2016 |
International Workshop on Tensor Networks and Quantum Many-Body Problems |
Feb. 29 - Mar. 4, 2016 |
Topological Phenomena in Novel Quantum Matter: Laboratory Realization of Relativistic Fermions and Spin Liquids |
May 25-29, 2015 |
International Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics & AdS/CFT |
March 26th, 2015 |
international workshop "Topological aspects in correlated electron systems" |
April 17-19, 2014 |
ISSP Workshop "Novel quantum phenomena in Supermatter" |
June 3-21, 2013 |
international workshop/symposium "Emergent Quantum Phases in Condensed Matter" |
February 8-12, 2010 |
IPMU Focus Week
"Condensed Matter Physics Meets High Energy Physics" |
June 2-27, 2008 |
Topological Aspects of Solid State Physics |
May 21-23, 2007 |
ISSP/COE Workshop "New Developments in ESR of Strongly Correlated Systems" |
May 24-26, 2007 |
Physics and Mathematics of Interacting Quantum Systems in Low Dimensions |
Last Update on October, 2020